About Us

Welcome to our site, where we tackle the serious issue of Calgary’s water crisis. Who are we, you ask? Well, we’re a ragtag group of wanna-be city planners, water enthusiasts, media moguls, and “certified geniuses” who have come together to dive into the serious issues about our city’s unique challenges.

Our Team:

  1. Wanna-Be City Planners: We might not have official titles, but our passion for urban development and creative solutions knows no bounds. Our unconventional ideas are sure to make you rethink traditional city planning.
  2. Water Enthusiasts: Whether it’s through pulitzer-award winning articles or glamourous images, our love for water conservation shines through. We’re dedicated to finding new and ways to address the water crisis.
  3. Media Moguls: With a flair for the news and a knack for grabbing headlines, our media experts know how to keep you informed. From biting news to inane commentary, we’ve got it all covered.
  4. “Certified Geniuses”: We like to think of ourselves as the brains behind the operation. With a mix of real expertise and imaginary expertise, we’re here to provide the wildest and most innovative solutions to Calgary’s problems.

Our Mission:

We believe that laughter is the best medicine, especially in tough times. Our mission is to use humor to shed light on the water crisis in Calgary, making it a topic that’s both engaging and thought-provoking. By blending satire with real issues, we aim to inspire conversations and maybe even a few chuckles along the way.

Thank you for visiting, and remember: if you can’t find a solution, it might just mean we’re doomed.