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Calgary Enforces Mandatory Ban on Showers and Clothes Washing

In a drastic move to address the ongoing water crisis, Calgary city officials have imposed a mandatory ban on showers and clothes washing. To ensure compliance, city drug dogs are being repurposed to sniff out non-smelly individuals. Those found without significant body odor and soiled clothing will face mandatory jail time.

Smell or Jail

City hygiene enforcer, Stinky McSniff, explained the rationale behind this extreme measure. “Water conservation is critical, and we need everyone to comply. By banning showers and clothes washing, we save enormous amounts of water. The drug dogs will help us identify those who aren’t following the rules.”

Police officers are now using specially trained dogs to sniff out residents who smell too clean. Citizens are being stopped on the streets, and those who pass the sniff test are escorted to police vans and taken to mandatory holding cells.

Community Reaction

The response from the community has been mixed. “It’s absurd, but if it helps save water, I guess I’ll embrace my inner stench,” said local resident, B.O. Plenty. “I never thought smelling good could land me in jail!”

Humorous signs have been placed around the city, reading, “Mandatory Ban on Showers and Clothes Washing. If You Don’t Smell, You Go to Jail!” The absurdity of the situation has brought both laughter and concern among residents.

Enforcement in Action

Scenes around the city have become surreal, with people walking nervously past police officers and their sniffing dogs. Those who fail to produce the required level of body odor are quickly apprehended and taken away. “It’s like living in a dystopian comedy,” said resident, Sweaty McGarment.

City officials have assured the public that these measures are temporary and necessary to address the severe water shortage. “We understand this is an extreme step, but it’s crucial for our water conservation efforts,” said McSniff. “We need everyone to play their part, even if it means embracing a bit of funk.”

Looking Forward

As Calgary navigates these challenging times, the city’s creative and extreme measures highlight the seriousness of the water crisis. While the mandatory ban on showers and clothes washing may seem drastic, officials hope it will significantly contribute to water conservation.

For now, residents are encouraged to embrace their natural scent and wear their soiled clothing with pride. After all, in Calgary’s current climate, smelling fresh could land you behind bars.

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