Categories It's the law!

Man Arrested for Water Waste Amid Stricter Regulations

As Calgary’s water shortage continues to escalate, the city has intensified its efforts to curb water waste, launching a new “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign offering cash rewards for ratting out your wasteful neighbours. In a dramatic turn of events, local resident Tony Smith was recently arrested for cavalierly chugging a glass of tap water and spilling some of it down the front of his shirt.

A Shocking Display

Witnesses were horrified by Smith’s blatant disregard for the city’s precious water supply. “I was just horrified,” said concerned citizen, Parched Pat. “As my new sod is laying there drying up and dying, this man… no… this monster… had the audacity to spill a few drops of the precious stuff down the front of his shirt. Who does he think he is?!!!” While a few drops may not see like a lot, it’s a serious infraction of the city’s new regulations. Pat received a cash award of $50 under the city’s new incentive program.

Strict Enforcement

The city’s new campaign encourages residents to report any instances of water waste. The arrest of Tony Smith is a stark reminder of the serious consequences for those who fail to comply with the strict regulations. “We cannot afford to waste a single drop,” said city spokesperson, Drip Dry. “Our new measures are designed to ensure everyone does their part.”

We cannot afford to waste a single drop

Drip Dry

The Incentive Program

The new “See Something, Say Something” campaign offers tiered cash rewards based on the frequency and consistency of reporting:

  1. Bronze Tier: Report a single incident of water waste and receive a $50 cash reward.
  2. Silver Tier: Report five incidents within a month and earn an additional $200 bonus.
  3. Gold Tier: Report daily for a week (7 consecutive days) and receive a $500 bonus.
  4. Platinum Tier: Report daily for a month (30 consecutive days) and receive a $2,000 bonus.

Bonuses for Frequent Reporters

To encourage ongoing vigilance, the city has introduced additional bonuses for frequent reporters:

  • Top Reporter of the Month: The individual with the most reports in a month receives an extra $10,000.
  • Community Hero Award: Given to the person who has reported the most incidents over three months, this award includes a $50,000 cash prize and a certificate of recognition from the city.

An Example for All

Tony Smith’s arrest serves as a cautionary tale for all Calgary residents. The city hopes that by making an example of such incidents, and by offering an innovative incentive program, it will deter others from wasting water and encourage more responsible usage.

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