Categories DIY Projects

DIY: Dig Your Own Backyard Well

Are you tired of relying on the city’s water supply during Calgary’s ongoing water crisis? Why not take matters into your own hands and dig a backyard well? This guide will walk you through the steps to create your own well, ensuring you never run out of water again. Plus, you can use the extra water for spraying those annoying neighbors!

Step-by-Step Guide to Digging Your Own Well

1. Gather Your Tools

Start by collecting an assortment of makeshift digging tools. Shovels, buckets, kitchen utensils, and even a good old-fashioned spoon will do. Remember, enthusiasm is key!

2. Choose the Perfect Spot

Select a location in your backyard where you think you’ll strike water. It helps if you have a dowsing rod or, in the absence of one, a coat hanger bent into an interesting shape.

3. Start Digging

With your tools in hand, begin digging. This step might take a while, so be prepared for a workout. Make sure to dig straight down, as zigzagging might confuse the water spirits.

4. Keep Going

Don’t be discouraged if you hit rocks or roots. This is all part of the experience. Keep digging until you hit water or until you’re deep enough to feel a slight sense of despair.

5. Celebrate Your Success

Once you reach water, celebrate with your neighbors. Host a well-digging party and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Set up a pulley system with a bucket to draw the water.

Making Your Well Water Potable

Now that you have your very own well, it’s time to make sure the water is safe to drink. Here’s a simple and method using straws:

  1. Collect Straws: Gather as many plastic straws as you can find. Remember, we’re repurposing here, so feel free to raid your junk drawer.
  2. Straw Filtration System: Connect the straws end-to-end to create a makeshift filtration system. The longer the straw chain, the better.
  3. Filter the Water: Place one end of the straw chain into the well and suck on the other end. The multiple straw segments will act as a rudimentary filter, purifying your water.

Resident Testimonials

Samantha Drips: “Thanks to my new well, I have so much extra water that I can spray my annoying neighbor, Mrs. Nosy, whenever she peeks over the fence. It’s refreshing in more ways than one!”

Dale Soakem: “Digging my own well was the best decision ever. Now, not only do I have fresh water, but I also have an endless supply to hose down my brother whenever he tries to steal my lawn gnomes.”

Mrs. Nosy: “I must admit, Samantha’s well is quite the spectacle. I’ve never seen someone so enthusiastically water their garden…and occasionally me. But I do enjoy the excitement it brings to our otherwise mundane neighborhood.”

Tom Sprinkle: “Since I dug my own well, I’ve become the neighborhood hero. Not only do I have extra water to spray at my barking dog when he won’t quiet down, but my lawn has never looked greener. Plus, the kids love using the well bucket as an improvised swing!”

Patty Flood: “My backyard well has transformed my life! I have so much extra water now that I can fill up a kiddie pool for my cat, Sir Splashes, who absolutely loves it. And when the neighbors play their music too loud, I have the perfect way to remind them of the beauty of silence with a well-timed spray.”


Why rely on the city’s unpredictable water supply when you can have your very own well? With this DIY guide, you’ll be well on your way to water independence. So grab your shovels, gather your straws, and start digging. Happy well-making, Calgary!

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