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The Last Drop: Calgary’s Water Crisis Deepens

Calgary Water Crisis Deepens: Officials Discover Thought-to-be-Extinct Reptiles Roaming Water Main

The reptiles were first spotted Tuesday June 11 at 8:19am. The reptiles were quickly sedated and brought to a facility down North. Three workers are confirmed dead while two others are in critical condition as the reptile killed three workers and injured two others when they discovered it coming out of the water main at 8:19am when it brutally killed three of our best pipeline repair workers and 2 more landed in hospital. We are currently waiting for more information to come back from the lab down north before we can identify the species of reptile found in the main. Updates will be made as we learn more but for now, that’s it (no pun intended).


Laura Pink says:

I learned a lot from this.

Chris Blue says:

Very informative, thank you!

Alice Johnson says:

Thanks for sharing this knowledge.

Samantha Brown says:

Amazing content, thanks!

Carol White says:

Keep up the good work!

Patricia Black says:

This article was very helpful.

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