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Urban Coyotes: Calgary’s Newest Security Force

Calgary, with its bustling urban life, has always faced the challenge of coexisting with wildlife. Urban coyotes, in particular, have made headlines as they roam our streets and parks. But instead of seeing them as a nuisance, why not turn them into a valuable asset? Introducing Calgary’s newest, furriest security guards: urban coyotes!

The Bold New Initiative

In an innovative move, the city has decided to employ these cunning creatures as part of our elite security force. Equipped with tiny security vests and walkie-talkies, these coyotes are ready to patrol our neighbourhoods and keep us safe.

Training the Force

The first step in this ambitious plan was training the coyotes. According to Chief Security Officer John Howler, “We’ve developed a comprehensive training program that covers everything from basic patrolling techniques to advanced surveillance methods. The coyotes have shown remarkable aptitude, particularly in sniffing out trouble.”

Communication with the Coyotes

To ensure smooth operations, city officials have gone to great lengths to communicate with the coyotes. Utilizing the latest in ouija board technology, they’ve managed to glean some interesting insights from our new furry friends.

One coyote, aptly named Scout, reportedly said,

“We’re excited to take on this new role. The streets of Calgary are our home, and we’re committed to keeping them safe. Plus, the vests are quite fashionable.”

Another coyote, Shadow, shared,

“Patrolling is in our nature. We’re already out and about, so it makes sense to put our skills to good use. And who knows? Maybe this job will lead to some tasty rewards.”

Community Reactions

The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. Residents feel reassured knowing that their streets are being watched over by these vigilant guardians.

“I feel so much safer knowing the coyotes are on the job,” said local resident Sarah Pines. “They’re always alert and ready to spring into action.”

The Future of Coyote Security

City officials are optimistic about the success of this program. If all goes well, there are plans to expand the initiative, possibly even franchising it to other cities facing similar issues.

“We’re pioneers in urban wildlife management,” said Mayor Tipsy McWhiskey. “Calgary is leading the way with innovative solutions that benefit both humans and animals.”


In a city as dynamic as Calgary, unconventional problems require unconventional solutions. By turning our urban coyotes into a dedicated security force, we’re addressing multiple issues with a single, creative stroke. So next time you see a coyote patrolling your neighbourhood, give them a nod of appreciation—they’re on duty to keep you safe.


Samantha Brown says:

Amazing content, thanks!

Laura Pink says:

Very informative, thank you!

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