Categories DIY Projects

DIY Project: Repurpose Dog Cones for Personal Rainwater Collection

Looking for a creative and resourceful way to conserve water during Calgary’s water crisis? Why not repurpose those dog cones designed to prevent pets from licking their injuries into personal rainwater collection and feeder devices? It’s a fun and innovative DIY project that can help you make the most of those rainy days.

A Clever Solution

Turning dog cones into rainwater collectors is a simple yet effective way to gather water. By wearing the cones upside down, you can catch raindrops and funnel them into containers for later use. This ingenious idea not only helps you conserve water but also gives those old cones a new purpose.

How to Make Your Own Rainwater Collector

  1. Find a Suitable Dog Cone: Use a large, sturdy dog cone, preferably one with a wide opening to maximize water collection.
  2. Invert the Cone: Wear the cone upside down so it forms a basin around your neck.
  3. Collect the Water: Stand outside during a rainstorm and let the cone catch the falling rainwater. Ensure you have a container handy to transfer the collected water.

Enjoy the Benefits

With your new personal rainwater collection device, you can gather water for various uses, such as watering plants, cleaning, or even for emergencies. Plus, it’s a fun and eco-friendly way to engage with water conservation efforts.

A Community Effort

This DIY project is a great way to involve the whole family in water-saving activities. Kids and adults alike will enjoy the novelty and practicality of using dog cones to collect rainwater. It’s also an excellent conversation starter and can inspire others to think creatively about water conservation.

So, the next time it rains, grab those old dog cones, head outside, and start collecting. You’ll be doing your part to save water while enjoying a unique and entertaining activity.

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