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City Waterworks Seeks Pipe Dream Experts to Revolutionize Repairs

In a surprising turn of events, Calgary’s City Waterworks Department is now on the lookout for individuals with experience playing the classic Lucasarts game Pipe Dream. According to officials, the high score lists of this retro game are a veritable who’s who of water planning experts. These gamers possess well-tuned reflexes and a unique skill set that can be directly applied to repairing and laying pipes in real life.

Pipe Dream Prodigies

City Waterworks spokesperson, Flow Master, explained the initiative. “Pipe Dream players have an uncanny ability to lay pipe on the fly, adapting quickly as the water starts flowing. Their quick thinking and rapid response times can drastically reduce construction time and increase efficiency.”

The department believes that these gamers, referred to as Pipe Dream Engineers, will revolutionize City Waterworks. Their ability to anticipate and manage water flow in a game setting translates surprisingly well to real-world applications.

The Engineers’ Perspective

However, not everyone is convinced. A spokesman for APEGA, the Alberta Association for Professional Engineers, expressed skepticism. “Hmmph. They aren’t engineers!” remarked Engineer Elite. “While they may have some useful skills, professional engineering requires rigorous education and certification.”

A New Era of Water Management

Despite the skepticism, the city is moving forward with its plan to recruit Pipe Dream experts. “We’re excited to bring these individuals on board,” said Flow Master. “Their unique skills will help us tackle Calgary’s water infrastructure challenges head-on.”

Looking Forward

As the city embraces this unconventional approach, it hopes to see significant improvements in repair times and overall efficiency. The collaboration between traditional engineers and Pipe Dream prodigies could mark the beginning of a new era in water management.

Stay tuned for updates on this innovative initiative and its impact on Calgary’s water infrastructure.

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